(57)圧縮作業サイクル 50±5% 重量 3 kg 安全保護付き機械式CPR機械
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is an advanced electronic chest compression device that provides mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation solutions for emergency cases. This automatic chest compression device has a wide range of advanced features, which include safety protection aga... もっと見る
電池容量 3000mAh メカニカルCPRマシン 20×17×18cm ABS/ステンレス鋼
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Machine (CPRM) is an automatic chest compression device designed to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in emergency situations. This smart cardiopulmonary resuscitation device uses mechanical force to compress the chest to th... もっと見る
制限なし 胸の高さ 圧力 62-106 KPa 自動胸圧縮装置
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: This Mechanical CPR Machine is an Ambulance Chest Compression Device and Robotic Cardiac Resuscitation Machine that provides smart cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is made of high-quality ABS/Stainless Steel materials and has a battery capacity of 3000mAh. It has a compression ... もっと見る
300 充電/放電サイクル メカニカルCPRマシン - 充電時間80分
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechatronic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Machine is an automatic chest compression device that provides emergency services with a powerful and reliable solution for performing lifesaving cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This high-tech CPR machine provides a continuous o... もっと見る
高性能機械心臓肺蘇生装置 3000mAhバッテリー
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Miniaturize Chest Compressor Machine (MCC-E) is a robotic cardiac resuscitation machine that provides automatic chest compressions for adult and pediatric patients. It is designed to help medical professionals perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when manual CPR is no... もっと見る
湿度 5%~98% スマート 心肺蘇生装置 圧縮速 102 Bpm
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: Mechanical CPR Machine MCC-E The Mechanical CPR Machine MCC-E is a mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine that provides advanced, automatic chest compression. It is equipped with a 3D compression technology for efficient chest compression that is required for cardiopu... もっと見る
制限なし 患者の胸幅 自動胸圧縮装置
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Automatic Chest Compression Device is a hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine that is designed to provide automated chest compressions for patients in need of emergency care. This device is ideal for use in ambulances, hospitals, and other medical facilities. It is ... もっと見る
革新的な機械的な心肺蘇生装置 3D圧縮技術
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is an advanced electronic chest compression device, specifically designed for hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This machine combines the ABS/Stainless Steel material and state-of-the-art ... もっと見る
7kg総重量連続/30 2 ABS/ステンレス鋼の機械式CPRマシン
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is an advanced, intelligent mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation device designed to provide automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is lightweight, weighing only 3 Kg, and is capable of working in a wide range of humidity environments, from 5%... もっと見る
メカニカルCPRマシーンMCC-E ブルートゥース付きスマート心肺蘇生装置
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
ハイライト:Mechanical CPR Machine, Bluetooth Mechanical CPR Machine, Smart Mechanical CPR Machine
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine MCC-E is an Automated Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Machine designed to provide effective chest compressions to patients in need of life-saving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). It is a Smart Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Device that can be used in ... もっと見る
50±5%の圧縮作業サイクルを持つ自動胸圧縮装置 3秒換気時間
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine MCC-E is a smart cardiopulmonary resuscitation device which is specially designed for hospitals. It is equipped with unique features that enable it to deliver reliable and effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation for up to 60 minutes, making it an ideal... もっと見る
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is a hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine, providing automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This robotic cardiac resuscitation machine is designed to deliver high-quality chest compressions with excellent control and feedback. It feat... もっと見る
メカニカル 心肺蘇生装置 USBデータインターフェイス 3000mAhバッテリー容量
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The world-renowned mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) machine is a hospital-grade equipment designed to provide automated chest compression in order to restore circulation and breathing for patients in cardiac arrest. It is a fully automated external defibrillator (... もっと見る
換気時間 3秒 安全保護 過圧/過負荷/漏れ/短回路 メカニカルCPRマシン 20-70
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Automated Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Machine is an ambulance chest compression device designed for mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation to provide effective life-saving treatments to patients. It is equipped with advanced safety protection systems to ensure tha... もっと見る
スマート心肺蘇生装置 圧力 62-106 KPa 動作温度 -5-45C
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is an Ambulance Chest Compression Device for emergency services cardiac resuscitation. It is designed to provide a high quality and consistent chest compression to patients in cardiac arrest, and it is an essential tool for emergency medical teams. Wit... もっと見る
ソフトスタート 自動胸圧縮装置 バッテリー寿命 300 充電/放電サイクル
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine, also known as the Mechatronic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Machine (MCC-E), is an ambulance chest compression device designed to assist medical personnel in providing advanced life support. The MCC-E is designed to deliver 3D compression technology w... もっと見る
圧縮作業サイクル 50±5% 湿度 5%~98% -20~70°Cの機械式CPR機械
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is an electronic chest compression device designed for emergency services cardiac resuscitation. This mechanical chest compression device can help to restore normal circulation in cardiac arrest patients. It is designed to operate with a minimum of 5% ... もっと見る
高性能メカニカル心肺蘇生装置 62~106 KPa 圧力
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine is an automatic chest compression device, a robotic cardiac resuscitation machine, and an electronic chest compression device. It is designed to provide medical professionals with a reliable and effective way to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (C... もっと見る
革新的な機械式CPR機械 動作温度 -5-45C
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: Mechanical CPR Machine is a hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine specially designed for cardiopulmonary resuscitation operations. It is a mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine with an electronic chest compression device. It is designed to provide chest comp... もっと見る
携帯 の スマート 心肺 蘇生 装置 は どこ で も 人 の 命 を 救う
価格: 5,000-10,000 USD
MOQ: 1
納期: 3-5 Days
ブランド: SunLife Science
Product Description: The Mechanical CPR Machine MCC-E is an emergency services cardiac resuscitation machine designed to provide automatic chest compression and mechatronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is designed to provide reliable, safe and effective chest compression during emergency cardia... もっと見る