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中国 550 Mpaによって編まれる電流を通されたGabion箱380Nの石は景色の境界のためにおりに入れる 販売のため

550 Mpaによって編まれる電流を通されたGabion箱380Nの石は景色の境界のためにおりに入れる

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:550 Mpa woven galvanized gabion box, 550 Mpa gabion stone cages, 380N stone cages for landscaping
Landscape boundaries usage hexagonal woven galvanized gabion box Galvanized Gabion Box Description: Gabion box is consist of rectangular units, fabricated from a double-twisted hexagonal mesh, filled with stones. In order to reinforce the structure, its edges with a wire having a thicker diameter th... もっと見る
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中国 護岸の六角形の熱い浸された電流を通されたGabion箱270g/M2は上塗を施してある亜鉛でメッキする 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:hot dipped galvanized gabion box Zinc coated, 270g/m2 hot dipped galvanized gabion box, revetment hexagonal gabion box
River bank revetment stone cage hot dipped galvanized gabion box Galvanized Gabion Box ​Descriptions: Gabion box is wire container made of hexagonal wire nettings. Wire diameter of Gabion is thicker than common hexagonal wire netting. The outside wire diameter of Gagion box range from 3.0 - 4.0mm. G... もっと見る
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中国 8 x 10 Cmポリ塩化ビニールGabion箱の六角形の金網のレノのマットレスの石のおり 販売のため

8 x 10 Cmポリ塩化ビニールGabion箱の六角形の金網のレノのマットレスの石のおり

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:8 x 10 cm pvc gabion box, hexagonal wire mesh pvc gabion box, galvanized gabion box
8 X 10 Cm Hexagonal Wire Mesh Stone Cage Galvanized Gabion Box Galvanized gabion box profile: Gabion net is also known as gabion net. Gabion net is generally called ecological green grid in China. In foreign countries, this product is made into a structural box called "gabion". Gabion is ... もっと見る
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中国 石造りの擁壁のためのGabion電流を通された箱を編む2x1x1mの石 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:galvanized gabion box 2x1x1m, rock weaving galvanized gabion box, stone retaining wall filling gabion baskets
2x1x1m stone rock galvanized weaving gabion box for stone retaining wall Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion basket is also called gabion box, gabion wall, gabion cage, hexagonal gabion, gabion retaining wall and so on. It is a large cage made by hexagonal wire netting, it can be filled by ... もっと見る
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中国 Astm A975標準的な石によって満たされるGabionは重い電流を通された2x1x1mをおりに入れる 販売のため

Astm A975標準的な石によって満たされるGabionは重い電流を通された2x1x1mをおりに入れる

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:astm a975 rock filled gabion cages, heavy galvanized rock filled gabion cages, 2x1x1m galvanized gabion box
ASTM A975 Standard Heavy Galvanized Rock Filled Gabion Cages 2x1x1m Gabion Box Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion refers to PVC coating on zinc coating wire fabric containers that comes in variable sizes with rocks filling to form a permanent structure. And the Green Gabion Mattress, also ... もっと見る
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中国 2.7mm純ワイヤーGabionの石箱六角形の編むポリ塩化ビニールは電流を通されて塗った 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:2.7mm galvanized gabion box, hexagonal weaving gabion stone box, pvc coated galvanized gabion stone box
2.7 Mm Net Wire Hexagonal Weaving Pvc Coated Galvanized Gabion Stone Box Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion Box are multiple twisted hexagonally woven galvanized or PVC coated steel wire mesh compartmented baskets with a rectangular box shape. The compartments are of equal dimension and ar... もっと見る
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中国 60*80mmの川の堤防のマットレスのために電流を通される六角形の穴のGabionの金網箱 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:hexagonal hole gabion wire mesh boxes, river embankment gabion wire mesh boxes, 60*80mm galvanized gabion box
60*80 Mm Hexagonal Hole Galvanized Gabion Boxes For River Embankment Mattress Galvanized Gabion Box Description: Gabion mesh is made of hexagonal wire mesh. Gabion box is made of heavy galvanized wire / ZnAl (Golfan) coated wire / PVC or PE coated wires, the mesh shape is hexagonal, with the quality... もっと見る
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中国 正常なサイズの石の擁壁は護岸ContructionのためのGabion箱2m x 1m X 1mに電流を通した 販売のため

正常なサイズの石の擁壁は護岸ContructionのためのGabion箱2m x 1m X 1mに電流を通した

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:galvanized gabion box 2m x 1m x 1m, sea wall contruction galvanized gabion box, retaining wall gabion wire mesh boxes
Normal Size Stone Retaining Wall 2m X 1m X 1m Gabion Box For Sea Wall Contruction Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Description: Gabion boxes are made of triple twist hexagonal woven mesh fabric. Gabions stand out as the simple, efficient and economical solution, as the cages are simply filled with natural st... もっと見る
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中国 地球の保持および急斜面の保護のための補強されたGalfan Gabionの網箱 販売のため

地球の保持および急斜面の保護のための補強されたGalfan Gabionの網箱

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:galfan gabion mesh box, earth retention gabion mesh box, steep slope protection galvanized gabion box
Galvanized Gabion Box ​Descriptions: Gabion Box are multiple twisted hexagonally woven galvanized or PVC coated steel wire mesh compartmented baskets with a rectangular box shape. The compartments are of equal dimension and are formed by internal diaphragms. The compartment is filled with natural st... もっと見る
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中国 0.5m最高によって編まれた電流を通されたGabion箱ポリ塩化ビニールはダムの補強に塗った 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:0.5m high galvanized gabion box, woven galvanized gabion box, dam reinforcement gabion rock box
0.5m High Woven PVC Coated Galvanized Gabion Mats For Dam Reinforcement Gabion Mattresses ​Description: Gabion Mattresses serves as a retaining wall, providing various prevention and protection works such as landslide prevention, erosion and scour protection as well as various type of hydraulic and ... もっと見る
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中国 8 x 10cmポリ塩化ビニールは金網のGabionの六角形の保護のダムに塗った 販売のため

8 x 10cmポリ塩化ビニールは金網のGabionの六角形の保護のダムに塗った

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:pvc coated hexagonal wire mesh gabion, protecting dam hexagonal wire mesh gabion, 8 x 10cm galvanized gabion box
PVC Coated Hexagonal Gabion Wire Mesh Box Using For Protecting Dam In Australia Market Galvanized Gabion Box ​Instruction: Gabion box also named gabion basket, is weaved by corrosion resistance, high strength and good ductility galvanized wire or PVC coating wire through mechanical. The Material of ... もっと見る
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中国 1つx 1つx 1つのMによってGabion電流を通された箱は擁壁のための石造りの石のバスケットを溶接した 販売のため

1つx 1つx 1つのMによってGabion電流を通された箱は擁壁のための石造りの石のバスケットを溶接した

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:1 x 1 x 1 m galvanized gabion box, galvanized gabion box for retaining wall, 3mm galvanized welded gabion box
1 X 1 X 1 M Welded Stone Rock Galvanized Gabion Box Baskets For Stone Retaining Wall Galvanized Welded Gabion Box ​Descripion: The welding gabion boxJs made Of high quality low carbon steel wire through automatic, precise and accurate mechanical equipment,and is surface passivated and plasticized by... もっと見る
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中国 3mmの鋼線の擁壁はGabion溶接された箱に電流を通した 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:retaining wall galvanized welded gabion box, 3mm galvanized welded gabion box, retaining wall galvanized gabion box
Easy Installation Galvanized Steel Wire Welded Gabion Box Retaining Wall Galvanized Welded Gabion Box Introduction: Welded Gabion is made of welded mesh panels which are connected with different accessories.it is widely used in outdoor decoration,garden fence,stone bench ,retaining wall military bar... もっと見る
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中国 100つx 80 x 30cmはGabion電流を通された箱補強された石造りの塀を溶接した 販売のため

100つx 80 x 30cmはGabion電流を通された箱補強された石造りの塀を溶接した

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:reinforced galvanized gabion box, 100 x 80 x 30cm galvanized gabion box, stone fence galvanized welded gabion box
100 X 80 X 30 Cm Welded Reinforced Galvanized Gabion Box Stone Fence Galvanized Welded Gabion Box ​Descripion: Welded Gabion box is made of galfan wire and galvanized wire. It can be moved relatively easily by a simple hand truck by a single person. Simple installation. No special technology needed.... もっと見る
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中国 ISO 9001 6m電流を通されたGabion箱100mmx120mmの石によって満たされる鉄条網 販売のため

ISO 9001 6m電流を通されたGabion箱100mmx120mmの石によって満たされる鉄条網

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:ISO 9001 6m galvanized gabion boxes, 100mm ISO 9001 galvanized gabion boxes, 100mm x 120mm stone filled wire fence
Landslide prevention rock and stone filled galvanized gabion box Galvanized Gabion Box ​Instruction: Gabion Basket means the provision by the machine a twisted hexagonal wire mesh surface together constitute a box-shaped components. Gabion basket at the construction site by stones fill to form a fle... もっと見る
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中国 ジンクスが電流を通されたGabion箱のAlを溶接した2x1x1mは2.2mmのタイ ワイヤーに塗った 販売のため

ジンクスが電流を通されたGabion箱のAlを溶接した2x1x1mは2.2mmのタイ ワイヤーに塗った

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:2x1x1m galvanized gabion box 2.2mm, 2x1x1m galvanized gabion box, hex welded gabion box
8 x 10 cm rock fall protection 2 x 1 x 1 m galvanized gabion box Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion basket is also called gabion box, gabion wall, gabion cage, hexagonal gabion, gabion retaining wall and so on. It is a large cage made by hexagonal wire netting, it can be filled by stones, ... もっと見る
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中国 2x1x0.5m熱い浸された電流を通されたポリ塩化ビニールはGabion箱の緑の洪水制御に塗った 販売のため


価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:2x1x0.5m HDG pvc coated gabion box, HDG 2x1x0.5m pvc coated gabion box, Flood Control pvc coated gabion
Green pvc coated soil protection hot dipped galvanized gabion box​ Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion box are wire mesh boxes, containers or baskets filled with rock to prevent soil erosion and to retain/contain soil particles. Flat Gabions, called River or es, are widely used in river cou... もっと見る
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中国 270g/M2亜鉛コーティングの溶接された網はGabionのバスケット120×150mm 4mmワイヤー直径に金属をかぶせる 販売のため

270g/M2亜鉛コーティングの溶接された網はGabionのバスケット120×150mm 4mmワイヤー直径に金属をかぶせる

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:270 g/m2 fine mesh metals gabion baskets, 270 g/m2 zinc coating 4mm gabion baskets, 120×150mm welded mesh gabion baskets 270 g/m2
270 g/m2 zinc coating hexagonal wire mesh galvanized gabion box Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion box are wire mesh boxes, containers or baskets filled with rock to prevent soil erosion and to retain/contain soil particles. Flat Gabions, called River or es, are widely used in river course... もっと見る
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中国 5m GabionのおりのBunnings電流を通された215g/Mの²は上塗を施してある石の壁のおりを亜鉛でメッキする 販売のため

5m GabionのおりのBunnings電流を通された215g/Mの²は上塗を施してある石の壁のおりを亜鉛でメッキする

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:5m gabion cage bunnings, 215g/m² galvanized gabion cage bunnings, 215g/m² gabion rock wall cages
Rock filled retaining wall galvanized gabion box for protection Galvanized Gabion Box ​Instruction: Gabion Box are multiple twisted hexagonally woven galvanized or PVC coated steel wire mesh compartmented baskets with a rectangular box shape. The compartments are of equal dimension and are formed by... もっと見る
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中国 2x1x0.5m 2x1x1mポリ塩化ビニールはGabionの金網の石のおりの錆抵抗に塗った 販売のため

2x1x0.5m 2x1x1mポリ塩化ビニールはGabionの金網の石のおりの錆抵抗に塗った

価格: negotiable
納期: 10-25days
ブランド: HBGB
ハイライト:2x1x1m pvc coated gabion wire mesh, 2x1x0.5m pvc coated gabion wire mesh rustproof, gabion stone cage rustproof
2m x 1m x 1m gabion stone cage pvc coated gabion wire mesh Galvanized Gabion Box ​ Introduction: Gabion box are wire mesh boxes, containers or baskets filled with rock to prevent soil erosion and to retain/contain soil particles. Flat Gabions, called River or es, are widely used in river courses whe... もっと見る
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